Running errands

Errands can include getting to doctors’ appointments, doing your shopping, and paying your bills.  Challenges can be due to:

  • Pain making it difficult to get out to doctor’s offices, stores, and banks. 
  • Weakness and fatigue can also make it hard to get to the places you need to, and/or to carry the stuff you buy. 
  • Memory problems can make it hard to remember when your appointments are, when your bills are due, and/or what you want to buy. 

Treatment involves overcoming these challenges:

  • The treatments for weakness described earlier can help you build the needed strength.
  • The treatments for fatigue described earlier can help you conserve your energy so you can the energy to get around the way you want.
  • The treatments for pain described earlier can help you move with less pain.
  • An occupational therapist can help you with memory tools to remember things like doctors’ appointments and shopping lists.